21 april 2022

Neways’ AGM adopts all proposed resolutions

Son, 21 April 2022 – Neways Electronics International N.V. today announces that all resolutions proposed to its shareholders were validly passed at today’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The AGM approved the expansion of the Supervisory Board from five to six members with the reappointment of Mr. Henk Scheepers for his fourth and final two-year term and the appointment of Mrs. Katja Kok for her first four-year term. Henk Scheepers will continue his role as Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

Furthermore, the AGM adopted the 2021 annual accounts. The Board of Directors was discharged for their management in 2021 and the Supervisory Board was discharged for its supervisory role in 2021.

Other resolutions that were adopted by the AGM include (i) the proposed dividend (€ 1.06 per share over the financial year 2021 and € 0.28 per share over the financial year 2019) to be paid in cash from the retained earnings reserve; (ii) the amendment of remuneration policy; (iii) the designation of the Board of Directors as the body authorised to issue shares as well as to limit or exclude pre-emptive rights; (iv) the authorisation of the Board of Directors to acquire own shares, and (v) the proposal that the Supervisory Board appoints the external auditor for the financial year 2022 and not to allow the General Meeting to exercise its authority to appoint the Company’s external auditor for the financial year 2022. The Supervisory Board informed the AGM that KPMG Accountants N.V. will be appointed as external auditor for the financial year 2022. For a complete overview and more details of the resolutions passed is referred to the corporate website of Neways: www.newayselectronics.com.

Click here for the official press release.

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